I have news------Random_____lol____--- My contest is going great. Here is a picture I drew Go to http://coolio317clubpenguin.blogspot.com/ and scroll down all the way to see the entry's
Ok like I said I am having a coin contest because of the 50 followers---------(hold applause)---------Ok First place gets coin code second place gets a party with me and third place gets there blog on my sidebar---------I know I need to say what you have to do to win--------What you have to do is make an awesome picture of my penguin-----Email me your drwing or whatever at coolio317@gmail.com
HI this is coolio317 and I am going to have a Coin Contest SOON! But I am not telling you anything about the contest yet. The awards will be:::
Get a coin code
Get a private party with coolio317 and all your freinds(coolio317 will add you)
Get your blog on my sidebar
But like I said I am not just giving the coin code away. You will have to earn it.The contest will start when............................I get 50 followers.The followers have to be on http://coolio317clubpenguin.blogspot.com/ -coolio317-
Hey check out this awesome poster. You can see it on clubpenguin if and only if you do what I say!
Click on the 5 light bulbs then the wear a hard hat sign. Then the poster should pop-up.
Hi this is coolio317. I am on chucksmis acount right know and I am posting letting you know. There are fireworks at the iceberg and ski mountain. I bet clubpenguin is celebrating my awesomeness. Here is a picture of my awesome penguin. I think he looks cool! I got exclusive items!